- 2011-08-24 18:01
±Dresnak killed ±Archer - 2011-08-21 10:01
±ClickClick killed ±Archer - 2011-08-21 01:43
±Archer killed ±happy trauma - 2011-08-18 03:46
±Archer killed ±Daigo Smash - 2011-08-16 11:14
±Daigo Smash killed ±Archer - 2011-08-13 23:26
±Archer killed ±spooge - 2011-08-13 00:15
±Archer killed ±spooge - 2011-07-31 06:58
±Archer killed ±Jhonka - 2011-07-07 06:24
±Varmint killed ±Archer - 2011-07-05 20:38
±Varmint killed ±Archer - 2011-06-25 17:12
±Lawman killed ±Archer - 2011-05-30 23:36
±The Hierophant killed ±Archer - 2011-05-30 20:37
±Archer killed ±The Hierophant - 2011-05-22 19:35
±Little Bunny Foo Foo killed ±Archer - 2011-05-19 16:51
±Little Bunny Foo Foo killed ±Archer - 2011-05-13 12:50
±Ryan Coyle killed ±Archer - 2011-05-13 09:28
±Archer killed ±Aintgottimetobleed - 2009-01-20 21:36
±Narktan killed ±Archer - 2008-10-28 19:02
±cryptrocket killed ±Archer - 2008-10-22 04:43
±Archer killed ±Kolzak - 2008-10-17 19:59
±Archer killed ±Grugg - 2008-10-09 22:48
±spooge killed ±Archer - 2008-10-07 05:23
±De La Coiffe killed ±Archer - 2008-10-05 21:48
±Archer killed ±Getsome Food - 2008-10-05 21:45
±Archer killed ±Drahken - 2008-09-23 11:08
±Archer killed ±Bizkit - 2008-09-19 20:39
±Archer killed ±a cuddly bear - 2008-09-18 17:27
±Star god Tinxiweewee killed ±Archer - 2007-12-02 05:12
±Archer killed ±Bauer - 2007-12-01 08:40
±Archer killed ±Reto Polo - 2007-11-30 07:30
±Archer killed ±Victor - 2007-11-24 19:55
±Reto Polo killed ±Archer - 2007-11-23 11:21
±Archer killed ±Woo Elephant Yeah - 2007-11-21 06:49
±Archer killed ±Anathema - 2007-11-20 16:36
±Archer killed ±Darth Brooks - 2007-11-19 11:24
±Bai Yutang killed ±Archer - 2007-11-17 10:59
±Archer killed ±Tlotzin - 2007-11-14 09:19
±Tiger Claw killed ±Archer - 2007-11-10 23:21
±Archer killed ±My Life for Aiur - 2007-11-08 09:38
±Yog-Sothoth killed ±Archer - 2007-11-05 07:27
±pawliuz killed ±Archer - 2007-11-02 05:19
±Bhaal killed ±Archer - 2007-10-30 08:56
±Archer killed ±Wambayak - 2007-10-27 02:45
±Archer killed ±Nyarlathotep - 2007-10-26 07:15
±Archer killed ±Long Fin Killie - 2007-10-24 20:20
±Archer killed ±Emile Durkheim - 2007-10-23 09:45
±Archer killed ±BrianYuen - 2007-10-21 23:56
±Archer killed ±Long Fin Killie - 2007-10-21 23:55
±Archer killed ±Seabass 2 - 2007-10-21 01:37
±Archer killed ±Gorukha - 2007-10-21 01:34
±Archer killed ±krift - 2007-10-18 22:32
±Archer killed ±Skull Face - 2007-10-15 06:03
±Archer killed ±Blue Hummingbird - 2007-10-14 23:27
±Archer killed ±Woo Elephant Yeah - 2007-10-14 00:47
±Archer killed ±lama - 2007-10-14 00:46
±Archer killed ±azuma - 2007-10-14 00:33
±Archer killed ±Baron Samedi - 2007-10-12 08:07
±Wambayak killed ±Archer - 2007-10-07 13:58
±Archer killed ±Blauvelt - 2007-09-29 10:02
±Spookey69 killed ±Archer - 2007-09-28 03:22
±Archer killed ±Lord Aldor - 2007-09-15 01:13
±Shifter killed ±Archer - 2007-09-11 12:06
±Shifter killed ±Archer - 2007-09-06 13:44
±Serious Sam killed ±Archer - 2007-08-30 18:05
±Archer killed ±Richard C. Mongler - 2007-08-22 08:50
±Sam Ballamy killed ±Archer - 2007-07-28 09:01
±Master Lucky killed ±Archer - 2007-06-16 19:43
±Argyle Goolsby killed ±Archer - 2007-05-07 19:49
±Richard Quinton killed ±Archer - 2007-05-03 23:30
±Skeletor killed ±Archer - 2007-04-09 22:39
±Archer killed ±Kjendlie - 2007-04-02 23:38
±Nighter killed ±Archer - 2007-04-02 20:58
±Archer killed ±joef1day - 2007-03-17 13:51
±Archer killed ±the evil pie 3 - 2007-03-10 04:47
±Archer killed ±Halfway there - 2007-03-09 03:23
±Archer killed ±Halfway there - 2007-03-04 10:14
±pax the priest killed ±Archer - 2007-02-16 02:21
±Bauer killed ±Archer - 2007-02-15 22:25
±Archer killed ±Lord Paul Reefer - 2007-02-13 21:15
±Archer killed ±Ethal Merman the V - 2007-02-11 02:00
±Old Macdonald killed ±Archer - 2007-02-07 00:14
±Spitfire killed ±Archer - 2007-01-29 23:57
±Archer killed ±MrMantastic - 2007-01-27 18:31
±lama killed ±Archer - 2007-01-27 12:31
±lama killed ±Archer - 2007-01-25 14:07
±Capt San killed ±Archer - 2007-01-23 10:50
±stalingrad killed ±Archer - 2007-01-22 22:23
±Archer killed ±guest - 2007-01-20 19:19
±Archer killed ±Bauer - 2007-01-16 14:46
±Archer killed ±The Pope - 2006-11-28 18:34
±Dracul killed ±Archer - 2006-11-12 11:36
±dread x killed ±Archer - 2006-11-09 15:17
±Archer killed ±soggy - 2006-11-07 08:51
±maeuschen killed ±Archer - 2006-10-18 20:29
±Archer killed ±Heram - 2006-10-18 14:30
±Archer killed ±Catty Nebulart - 2006-10-18 14:29
±Archer killed ±Heram - 2006-10-17 15:30
±Archer killed ±Wailan - 2006-08-29 17:08
±Phillip Murray killed ±Archer - 2006-07-01 00:38
±W B Hazen killed ±Archer - 2006-06-26 03:57
±W B Hazen killed ±Archer
This is a logger for player kills in Shartak, a browser-based MMORPG. Enter a player's ID to see all of their logged kills and deaths.
You may log a kill by entering the victim's ID. (This will only work for the last time they were killed.)
There's a Greasemonkey script that makes this page easier to use. It's optional but recommended.
To log a kill, this page visits a player's profile and copies the information about their last death into a database. Users may view deaths and kills by appending "?id=___" to the URL of this page or log kills with "?log=___" instead (where "___" is the ID of the player or victim).